Friday, December 6, 2013

GISMO Weekly Report 6/12

   - What we have done: During this week the group has totally focused on the final presentation and especially the preparations concerning the recording of the video. We completed the script at the beginning of the week and discussed carefully if we have the time to visually accomplish this particular idea? If we are able to do it in terms of skills and knowledge within the group? And finally the most important thing of them all; if we are able to visualize our concept as good as possible by means of the recording and thus make it coherent with the report? Further in the middle of the week, we started to record on our own and made some progress but it´s still a lot of work ahead of us. 

   - What we will do: We will continue working with the recording of the video and hopefully be ready as soon as possible with the basic stuff, in order to have time to add different features to emphasize our concept and make the whole video coherent and understandable. Even though the deadline is pretty close, we try to divide the tasks among the group as fair as possible. 

   - Problems encountered: Well since all group members more or less counted with that the final deadline of the presentation and the embedded video is on Wednesday the upcoming week, due to the reason that we have our rehearsal that day, thus the deadline is probably then. However no one has mentioned that the actual deadline is on Monday evening before the last project leader meeting we had the last Wednesday. Nobody in our group expected that, so at the moment it´s kind of difficult to arrange meetings when everybody are available and hence fix everything in time. We have learned so far that in order to be so effective as possible, everyone have to participate simultaneously in the same room and not over Facebook and similar, but that´s impossible in such a short notice, especially over a weekend. In addition the last days have been used pretty much as well within the project.

   - Changes in the project: No particular changes have been made lately.

   - Resources: No additional resources during this week. 

1 comment:

  1. This might be a stressy week, but you are doing a good job, so keep it up!
